Friday, April 11, 2008

Be My Angel

Often an angel touches your heart & leaves a memory
Continue in your angelic way,
as you have done wonderful things for me.

Touch many others, everyday.
Be like Christ, who helped the blind man see.
He taught the people truths.
Let Him be your angel, be all that you can be.

Take Me Home

Waves washing reeds ashore
Foam building along the rocks
The dock swaying side to side
The new day smell - all day
Where sunsets are on fire
& daylight longs for closure
Sails scatter the horizon
Flowers line the paths
The air is filled with laughter
Friends are made & cherished

Lessons in life & love are given
Thoughts are begun
Dreams are realized
Minds are opened
Amazement happens
Fear is absent
Belief in God is built
Patriotism is learned & practiced
Arrows of love are shot:
Some hit their target, others stray
Strength is earned
Healing is happening

Races are run - winners cry with the losers
Enjoyment is never a question
Achievement is praised
Competition is tough
Safety is necessary
It is my haven, my "home"
I long to return
It is the love of my life